Assisted Living & Memory Care data at your fingertips.

CarePrepare gives you analytical insights to drive decision-making, highlight performance, & improve clinical quality.

Summary Dashboard

Assess a facility’s clinical performance, including operational deficiencies, complaints, and penalties.

Consumer Education

Benchmark survey results against local competitors and demonstrate operational superiority to prospective customers.

Competitive Analysis

Compare communities side-by-side on a range of key survey and reputational metrics. Assess the operational quality of the competitors in your markets.

Historical Survey Details

Analyze a facility’s most recent survey cycle, including inspections, licensing surveys, complaints, deficiencies, and penalties. Review the narrative of each survey, identify repeat citations, harm and immediate jeopardy citations.

Benchmarked Metrics

Benchmark a facility against its City and State averages on clinical and operational KPIs. Quickly identify the strengths and weaknesses of a facility, so your team can develop a plan of action.

State Regulatory Library

Evaluate and review each State’s regulations and keep up-to-date with the licensing requirements for assisted living and memory care facilities.

Quality Data. Quality Decisions.

Experience the analytical power of the first National Assisted living & Memory Care Quality Database.

Meet our team.

Arick Morton

Co-Founder and CEO – NIC MAP Vision

Melissa Fedun

Managing Partner – Formation Healthcare Group

Jessica Curtis

Managing Partner – Formation Healthcare Group

Grant Hamm

Co-Founder and CTO – NIC MAP Vision

Send us a message to learn more about CarePrepare, or to see a demo of the platform.

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Raleigh Address

5430 Wade Park Blvd
Suite 310
Raleigh, NC 27607

Atlanta Address

3500 Lenox Rd. Ste 510
Atlanta, GA 30326

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